Posts tagged blog
Async git-stash workflow enables test test-driven development
- 16.07.2024
Edit: some comments about this post at Hacker News.
Bash quick select prompter utility
- 26.04.2024
In this blog post I’ll showcase flexible utility script prompter.bash
that I wrote.
It is a vim-which-key inspired shortcut utility but for a terminal.
Journey of disabling filename expansion for Bash alias
- 04.04.2024
I wanted to disable Bash pathname expansion for my Bash alias:
Demystifying Lakos Rule via Visualization and How It Could Relate to Constexpr
- 03.02.2024
If you have been interested in C++ standard committee works, you have probably come contact with Lakos rule (named after John Lakos). It is a C++ function API design principle related to noexcept, which is especially relevant in C++ standard library. With language support for contracts on its way hopefully in C++26, the Lakos rule has proven its relevance once again. For more info on contracts and Lakos rule see papers P2831 and P2861 .
DSL function objects (C++)
- 14.01.2024
In this blog post I’m going to describe metaprogramming technique that arose when I was working on my WIP library. I have not seen it before so I coined the term DSL (Domain Spesific Language) function object.